Walking By Faith, Not By Sight… Again

We have a potential housing crisis again. I will be so glad when we have our own house and land and don’t have to rent any more. But I’m thankful for the houses that we have been able to rent – especially this house.
It has been just about perfect for us. I really like the floor plan. It’s open and big. We are able to have a computer lab in the dining room. Our kitchen and living room are in the same big space, so I can do things in the kitchen and still see and hear what everybody’s doing in the living room.

I can cook and clean while Shawn’s leading in prayer and armor. When he gets done, and I start reading, he can eat and the others can do some of their chores and still hear me. We have enough room in the space for a dining room table for our big table that seats 8 with both leaves in, which we leave in all the time. That’s still not enough places, but we often eat in shifts, so it works.

But we are in a time of transition again. The place where Gary works has had lay-off after lay-off, and there are rumors that they’re going to have another big one in September. God has been faithful to keep him working there, but Gary is feeling like his time there is about over.  Our lease is up in a couple of days. We don’t feel that we should sign a lease for another year or 6 months because we probably won’t be here that long. Gary has had some good leads on other jobs in other states but none of them have panned out yet.

So we asked to pay rent from month to month. At first the owner agreed to that, but he said he was going to show the house to other potential renters, so we would have to let people come through and look at it. Then he decided that he wanted to give potential renters a definite availability date, so he wants us to leave the house by Sept. 30. So now we have to get another job and get moved out of here by the end of next month.  We are having to trust God once again to move for us and put us in the right place at the right time. He spoke those words to me a couple months ago, so I feel certain that He has a plan to do it.

We prayed about signing the 6 month lease, but we felt like the Lord said “no”. I prayed about it and the Lord gave me

Phil. 4:6. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.

I read that, and meditated on it. I realized that He was telling me not to worry, but just to make my request to Him. I thanked Him for what He has already done, and for what He’s going to do. Then I asked Him to get us a new job and a new house before Sept. 30.

I read the next verse after that:

And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

And that has been true. I have had peace about the whole situation. I’m not panicking like I was last year about this time. We took it to the Lord and prayed specifically about what we’re supposed to do, and the Lord answered me personally. So I feel really good and full of faith that He will do great things for us.

We have a friend in India who is an evangelist, and he ministers to the poor there. His name is Rajendra Kumar. We met him on Facebook. He has been speaking words of wisdom and prophetic words to me that have been so encouraging during this time. God has used him to build up my faith.

He has a wonderful ministry to the poor. He ministers to their physical needs and their spiritual needs. Please look him up on Facebook, Evan. Rajendra Kumar.  He always has good words from the Lord in his status updates.  Follow him there.  You’ll be glad you did.


  1. Encouraging word, Penney! It’s funny because God will do this for me at times….probably the spirit/flesh thing but I will start to ‘react’ to a situation then realize I don’t ‘feel’ the anxiety….but have peace inside….and I am just ‘reacting’ out of habit. Time to change those habits and get my flesh in submission to my spirit. Thanks for the good word! 😛

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