A coaching session with the fabulous Cindy Rushton at an unbelievable price. You have to act quickly. It is this Monday, Nov. 22. This price will go up after the session.
Cindy is in a new season of her life. Her dreams are getting bigger and bigger – because God is telling her He has more for her to do than she ever dreamed.
I don’t know what kind of dreams you may have. Mine are mostly about my own family right now. But I have some that I could possibly make strides toward if I changed some things that I’m doing now. I’m not really sure what my dreams are!
If that’s how you are, then come to this retreat with me, and let’s find out together if there are some things we’re missing by not asking God what His dreams are for us.
Come to the new Talk-a-Latte and see what the Lord may have in store for you!
Here is the link to the page to register for this coaching session with Cindy Rushton.
I hope to see you there!