
Awaken Your Heart Virtual Conference

Hello Safe Haven Friends!

I’m excited to invite you to an online virtual conference that will challenge and inspire you.

My friend, Angel, is a powerful woman of God who has a heart for God and for women. Her story is inspiring, and her demeanor inspires peace and calm. When Angel speaks, people listen, yes, but they hear the heart of God. Her boldness and confidence rest in God alone, and it’s obvious that she has gone deep with God through sorrows and pain. But her story is triumphant because of Jesus!

She is presenting this online conference to share the treasure the Lord has given her. She is one of five speakers, who are all uniquely qualified to call us forth.

The Awaken Your Heart Conference is a gathering of women who long to see the truth and power of Jesus Christ at work in their lives.  Our desire is to encourage every woman in her journey by sharing the redemptive grace of Jesus and provide meaningful opportunities for teaching, discipleship and fellowship.


God is calling you to a life of obedience and faithful trust in every situation and in every conversation. He wants you to use the skills and talents He has blessed you with, right where you are. God’s call on your life is tremendously freeing, for His call on your life is for you to be you.

The theme for this fall’s conference is “She’s Called Forth”.

Sisters, we have nothing to fear and ultimately nothing to lose. We will inherit our glorious hope. We will get Christ. He will reward us for our good works. Let’s not be conformed to the world in its apathy toward the things of God.

Get all the details HERE.

I hope to see you there!

Penney Douglas, B.S. in Ed.
Safe Haven Homeschooling



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