
Safe Haven News from Home (House Arrest)

Safe Haven News from Home (House Arrest!) April 2020

Well, what do you think about all of this? I think the shelter-at-home quarantine lockdown house arrest is an overreaction to say the least.

But the Lord is still in charge, and He is doing amazing things during this time of “Pause”. Families are spending more time together. They are discovering that they don’t really need so much activity, and they can enjoy time with each other at home.

Unfortunately, some families are experiencing friction and discovering relationship problems that had gone unnoticed because of the busyness of their normal lifestyle. It’s good that these problems are being unearthed and addressed. But it can get worse before it gets better. My husband and I have a regular broadcast on Facebook each Friday night where we discuss marriage and parenting and many family topics. We have been talking about how to handle being at home all the time with your mate. If you would like to join us live, you can find us at my Facebook page, Penney Hawkey Douglas, username penneymarie. Or you can find us at Gary’s Facebook page, Gary W. Douglas. Our program is called Relationally Speaking.

And we have just started a YouTube channel for our Relationally Speaking videos here.

Another benefit of this time of forced sabbatical is that many people have more quiet time to think and seek the Lord. It seems that many people are taking the time to watch the services from their church and others that are streaming on Sundays since they are forbidden to go to church during this time. I believe a lot of good things are coming out of this because God works all things together for our good, for those of us who love Him and are called by Him. And what the enemy intended for evil, God uses for good. For such a time as this!

Gary and I have been attending a free training called “The 4:14 Challenge” which is based on Esther 4:14 which says basically, “We have been brought into the Kingdom for such a time as this.”

This training is for Kingdom Entrepreneurs by Pedro Adao of 100X Acceleration. Pedro is a very successful entrepreneur who has a passion to teach others how to be successful using the internet. He is a marketing expert, and he is totally sold out to the Lord and committed to doing business with integrity. He uses Kingdom principles to serve people, meeting their needs and teaching them how to be successful in business so they can be blessed to be a blessing. He believes, as we do, that God has raised us up for such a time as this to bless our nation and our family through the businesses that God has called and equipped us to do.

You can find the 4:14 Challenge here.

Looking for simple, yet powerful, homeschool ideas to apply right away, not only for planning your year, but techniques, tools and tips for simplifying homeschooling?

Check out this amazing conference that is coming up next week!

There are two different levels you can join at. For only $12 you get a one-day ticket with:

1. Access to the live conference on April 25th.
2. Access to the digital swag bag.

3. Access to the Vendors Hall.

4. Be able to participate in the giveaways and door prizes on the day of the live conference.

PLEASE NOTE: You will have 24 hours to watch the replays in the Facebook Conference private community page after the conference is over. 24 hours after the workshop went live, the videos will be removed from the group and you will not have access to them anymore unless you decide to upgrade to the ALL ACCESS Ticket.

You will be given an opportunity at the conference to upgrade to the ALL ACCESS Ticket.


For $27 you get:

All of the above — AND —-

3 Bonuses

Bonus 1- Mama’s Heart Journal ($6.00 value)

Bonus 2- Encourage My Tween’s Heart Printable Kids Christian Character Building Pack ($5.95 value) by Lee Felix

Bonus 3- Kids Prayer Journal & Habit Tracker ($7.00 value) by Forest Rose

And you will get lifetime access to all the workshop videos after the conference!


So how are the Douglases doing?

Our family is doing well during this Covid crisis. Most are furloughed or unemployed, but a few are still working. Our daughter Anna just got married last month, but she has been working from home – our home for the last several weeks. I have loved having her here. We had a birthday party for her today!

We have another wedding coming up! Next Thursday, April 23, our oldest, Shawn, is getting married to his beloved.

So life goes on for the Douglas family even in the midst of this crazy time.

The Lord is providing for us abundantly, even though Gary has been unemployed for almost 4 months. We are very well taken care of. As in, we have more money in our account than we usually have! God is so good!

Well, I just wanted to check in with you all and share all of these good things with you.

Thank you for reading and rejoicing with us!

May you have Fair Winds and Following Seas,

At Safe Haven Homeschooling

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