
Enter Your Promised Land

You Must Increase to Possess!
Just several weeks ago the Lord challenged me to revisit the word He gave me for 2010 as I was listening for the word of the Lord for 2011. This is a word that will help you ramp into 2011.

2010 is an interesting number sequence. Only 2, Caleb and Joshua had increased enough to take possession of the land by giving a good report. The other 10 gave an evil report that caused an entire generation to miss their blessing. And 0 is what they had in common, but they were all Israelites.

Evil reports have been abounding. What are we saying? Remember, it affects everyone listening and God holds us responsible. Evil reports, if we let them into our spirit, will block our ability to increase. Talking about the giants was not the evil report; not believing that God could give them the victory was. Over a million people rejoiced and danced as the dry ground which they walked over in the Red Sea buried the enemy. Yet only two increased enough to enter into the Promised Land.

The Lord spoke to me at the turn of the year: “You must increase to participate in what I have for you in this coming season.” The Lord had my full attention. Those words echoed through my spirit and mind. “You must increase.”

What He had prepared for me was my destiny. It was reserved for me. It was my time. It is greater than anything I have done to this time. Yet I was not ready to participate in it according to His word. That drove me deeper into prayer. Revelation came: Get rid of everything that brings decrease – mindsets concerning my destiny, anointing, purpose and abilities.

Step Out of Your History into His
As the Body of Christ we must increase in our spirit to enter into God’s plan for our lives. Egypt is not just a place of bondage and slavery; it is a place of confinement that makes the spirit of decrease acceptable and normal. The Great Depression affected my Grandmother’s generation. She would buy a large fresh banana bunch, yet eat the old bunch first. She would never run out since she always had two bunches. Very seldom did she enjoy the fresh bananas. She was living wisely for the season that no longer existed. As time passed by, it proved it was not only unnecessary, but hindering her full blessing in the new season which she had entered.

Then God reminded me of a word that came to me months before. I heard a large explosion, a dynamite blast. It was so loud it startled me! “God, why was it so loud?” I asked. “Because the sound of Hell has many stuck in the past,” He said. “I am blasting them into their future. They cannot get there on their own.” My mind went back to the upper room where God blasted 120 Believers into their future! They stepped out of their history, into His.

Exodus 23:30 Little by little I will drive them out before you, until you have increased enough to take possession of the land.

God is unleashing something fresh from Heaven for you. Break out of your Great Depression of the past. It is a new season of provision and vision! God is blasting you into your future. His dream for you is greater than yours. Not one person in the Scriptures was mentally ready to step into what God told them, outside of Jesus. Each had to be blasted into their future, by His words and presence.

There Will Be Resistance, But Angelic Assistance Will Prevail!
Get ready to leave with the wealth of Egypt for your future! They received what had been robbed from their generations! There is a generational payback coming to those who will rise up and break the bondage. The giants are larger, and so are the victories! This is a time of increased difficulty, but the blessings are greater than ever! We are in one of the most strategic seasons. How we handle our strategic moments can determine decades for millions of people. Ten spies, whose names we do not remember, gave an evil report and stalled God’s plans for close to a million people.

Exodus 23:20 See, I am sending an angel ahead of you to guard you along the way and to bring you to the place I have prepared.

There is a place God has prepared for you. God is sending angels to guard your journey. There will be resistance, but angelic assistance will prevail! It will take an angel to get you there.

The word given to the Israelites to increase was to prepare them to receive their Promised Land. They did not increase and they missed what God had prepared for them. We must increase to participate in what God has for us. The anointing for increase is on you. You must increase to possess what is yours! What is waiting for you is awesome!

The increase of men and women in the Bible ignited in encounters with God. They saw Him larger. They saw themselves larger in God. They believed what God said and acted on it. They went past their past. Increase! God needs you.

This is the season of the giants. Where are the Joshuas?

Key Strategies to Enter the Promised Land

1. Get rid of everything that causes spiritual decrease:
a. Fear.
b. Unbelief.
c. Doubt.
d. Break through the limitations that you have accepted.

2. Obedience/Discipline:
a. Every champion knows the work/discipline involved in victory.

3. Ask God to show you who you are in Him.

4. Ask God to show you what is your Promised Land.

5. Identify the giants. Identify yourself as a Joshua.

6. Get past the greatness of the past season and those who are no longer there to make it happen for you. Like Joshua, it is your turn.

7. Get past every dead issue and grief.

8. Believe what God has said about you and start acting on it NOW!

9. Keep His presence strong in your life.

10. Let the next breakthrough be a stepping stone, not a stopping place.

11. Plan as if you could not fail. Press the plan.

12. Pray with the expectation that you will receive.

13. Realize it is the Father’s pleasure to give you the Kingdom, and you’re part of it.

14. Be thankful for every step of the way and watch Him make a way where there is none.

15. Believe in the gifts and anointing God has placed in your life which will cause you to reach your destiny.

2011 will be a year of one-on-one supernatural encounters with God and revelations that bring us into a greater alignment with His vision and purpose. It comes as we are willing to increase!

Dale and LuAnne Mast
Destiny Christian Church
Email: info@destinydover.org

Dale and LuAnne Mast serve as pastors to Destiny Christian Church in Dover, Delaware and travel together nationally and internationally. Dale started pastoring in 1983, but was ordained as a prophet who would pastor in 1991 by Dr. Bill Hamon. Significant, life-changing, detailed words with signs, wonders, salvations and miracles have followed his prophetic ministry over the years. LuAnne has had many supernatural encounters and has an anointing in deliverance.

-Reprinted from The Elijah List

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