Birthday Song from Barnyard for Daddy from Penney Douglas on Vimeo.
Gary loves this song. We heard it in an episode of “Barnyard” we got from the library. I guess they made a series based on the movie. We knew that Gary really liked that song, so the kids planned to surprise him with it as soon as he got home from work. He was surprised!

Happy Birthday, Dear Daddy from Penney Douglas on Vimeo.
Everybody pitched in to throw Daddy a nice birthday party.
I got to watch everybody else do the cutting of the cake and serving since I had the video camera.
Morgan(9) and Garrett(6) made the German Chocolate cake and Anna made the Funfetti cake with strawberry icing, so I got off pretty easy as far as preparations for this party. I’m way more relaxed about these kinds of occasions than I used to be. And I’m not afraid to ask for help.
During the party, you see Fiona come and ask me about candy bags and Garrett come and ask me about ice cream. The dentist loves them!
More birthday cards
Kelsey helped Emma make a card.
LOVED this! You even sing like Reba! 😀 Okay…think my ‘break’ is over. Sure enjoy your birthday celebrations! Do your children go out to meet dad like that every day??? I need to work on that….except I never know when he’s coming home! Lol…so I’d have to work on alertness and have someone sound the alarm….kinda like preparing for the return of Jesus…you never know the time or day of His coming! : D Love ya! ♫