
We Have a House!

But we still don’t know which one yet. We have been given the go-ahead for a house that is bigger than this one, about 3,200 sq. ft. But there’s another house that we’re waiting for final approval from the owner. The rent for this house is $300 less than the bigger house. So we have put it before the Lord that if the owners of the cheaper house don’t call us by 4:00 tomorrow, we’re going to sign the lease on the bigger house.

We feel very good about both houses, but if we can get the cheaper rent, that is definitely what we want in order to be good stewards and to be able to get another vehicle and the furniture we need much more quickly than if we take the other house. But it’s all in God’s hands. We’ve given Him plenty of room to intervene and to stop us from making the wrong decision. We haven’t done anything in a hurry or out of desperation or fear. We have calmly reasoned and prayed about what we should do. And I know that God will put us in just the right house in the right neighborhood where He can use us, and His light will shine through us, and it will be a safe and nurturing place for us to raise our children during this season.

The owner of the house we’re in has been so awesome and understanding. He knows we’re waiting one more day for the cheaper rent and he is fine with that. So he is working with us on the timing for when he can get into his house and start ripping up carpet.

I’m so grateful for the prayers and kind wishes for us. I stand amazed at what God has done for us and taught us again about waiting and resting in Him. Tomorrow I will post about which house we get. Stay tuned!

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