Hello Safe Haven Family!
Well, Fall is starting to show its glory here in southwestern Ohio. I have deep appreciation for the changing of the seasons since I lived in Texas for 10 years. I get a thrill when I see a patch of leaves touched with Fall color, making the tree look like it was specially decorated for the season. And the cooler temperatures make the days pleasant for walks in the park or whatever outdoor activity beckons.
Are you seeing signs of Fall where you are?
We can look at the changing seasons and see the cycles that God has put in place. Summer, Fall, Winter, and Spring each have their purpose in the natural world. We also have seasons in our lives. And God uses the season that we are in to shape us and build in us the character and strength that we need as we are being conformed to His image.

The season of Fall can signify many things for us. As the leaves fall from the trees, we are reminded that we need to release the things that we don’t need any more. Some of the things we have held onto to protect us have become more of a hindrance than a help.
Many things that seemed wholesome and righteous are falling all around us. Are we going to fall with them? Or are we going to rise to a higher standard, a higher awareness of what is really going on, a higher calling to right the wrongs in our world?
Many of the things that are falling apart need to be done away with. If you haven’t seen “The Fall of the Cabal”, a multi-part series about what has really been happening in the world behind the scenes, make sure to watch it.
Another great video to watch is called “The Greatest Show on Earth”. In it Nick Alvear shows us how all of these things are working together for our good. And things are not just randomly falling apart the way it seems.
As we watch the old system fall, it is our turn to rise and shine.
We are coming into a time where we will be able to dream and make our dreams come true.

So for us homeschoolers and parents, let’s unleash our kids’ creativity. Let’s not limit them by our expectations of the way the world works or the world’s definition of success. Things are going to change, and the old ways are passing away.
Not every person needs to go to college to be a success. The “good” careers are being replaced or revamped in such a way that the whole system may be turned upside down. Education systems, business systems, legal systems, government systems, the medical establishment, and the economy appear to be going through a shake-up. The seasons are changing for the whole world!
Let’s encourage our children to follow their dreams. Let’s encourage them to hone their skills and talents even if their talents are not the ones that are typically the big money-makers. In the new digital economy, they are more likely to find ways to make money from more artistic and creative endeavors. Help your kids to make a career doing what they love to do. Encourage them to use their right brain!
Watch this video to see how Karla Marie Williams, author of Homeschool Gone Wild, does this with her children.
Video by Karla Marie Marie Williams – Launching Kids into the World Doing What They Love
Here is a great prayer to pray for our creatives:

This came from AXLCreativeco.com
And here is a great picture book to teach your children that we are all smart in different ways. And we are all smart cookies!
The Smart Cookie by Jory John
For more books that will help your child pursue spiritual things and will also help you to understand the things of the kingdom look for Gateways, DNA and Jacob’s Ladder and other books by Lindi Masters.
Here is a free pdf of all kinds of activities that make homeschooling fun during October.

Fun Ways to Homeschool Through the Holidays – October
If you have a third grader I have a wonderful Third Grade Workbook available on Teachers Pay Teachers for $5. It covers multiple subjects – Grammar, Reading Comprehension, Math, etc. It’s called Third Grade All-in-One Workbook.
If you are reading The Green Ember by S. D. Smith or plan to read it, I have copywork and narration journals for it on TPT, too.
In the copywork journal, the selections are chosen for their advanced vocabulary, figurative language, and important parts of the story. If your child reads all of the copywork selections, they will get a review of the main parts of the story.
The narration journal was designed to make narration more interesting and to give your kids one place to store all of their written narrations. There are prompts to help your child think more deeply about the story.
Thanks for reading! I hope you have a fantastic fall and a spectacular school year!
Penney Douglas, B. S. in Elem. Ed.
Safe Haven Homeschooling
P.S. If you need any help with beginning homeschooling or finishing up or anything in between, let me know.
Here are some of the people I have helped in the past and what they have to say.
