Hello Friends,
How are you all doing? I have started tutoring with Varsity Tutors. That is keeping me busy. If you have a teaching degree and would like to do some tutoring, they have lots of available slots. They have obtained contracts with several big school districts, so that means lots of new students who have had some degree of learning loss from all of the covid upheaval that has happened in the schools. Or if you have a child that might benefit from an online tutor, I know that the application process was rather rigorous, so I believe that the tutors are high quality teachers. You might want to check out Varsity Tutors.
I’m enjoying the time with the school kids. I love homeschooling. But I love all kids, so I’m happy to be able to interact with some school kids, too. I’ve been doing more 5th grade Math than I’ve done in a long time! Good old fractions and decimals.
Well, I titled this newsletter “God is doing something… interesting” because we are experiencing an interesting situation. Let’s just say we need to find a new place to live right away.
We are trusting God to provide all of our needs according to His riches in glory. He always does. If you haven’t read my book “Refined By Fire”, get it on Amazon and read our testimony of how God led us on a “journey of fire” across the US in a too-small-for-our-family van with 8 kids, including 18 month old twins. We had many adventures and misadventures along the way. And after 4 months of wandering, we settled in Kansas City for 3 years. I ended the book with a big financial miracle that God did for us. If you want to know more, get the book here on Amazon.
God met our needs then, and we know that He will meet them now.
I know that the times we’re living in are hard for all of us. I pray that you are standing in faith and trusting God to work all things together for your good. Rom. 8:28
Oh, I also wanted to tell you that the Homeschool Mom Refresh went really well! The ladies who attended really enjoyed it, and their hearts were truly ministered to. I’m so thankful for the opportunity the Lord gave me and Jessica to minister in such a personal, intimate setting, even though it was online. I’m thankful for the work that He did in the hearts of the ladies who were there.
If you would like to experience the sessions for yourself, you still can, even though the live event is over. We turned it into an evergreen product, so you can get it and experience what we did, because the anointing lasts even after the event is over. You can find more information about it here.
As always, I would love to pray for you! Hit reply and send me your prayer requests.
No matter how things look, God is still in control. Things are not as they appear. Do your own research and find out what’s really happening. Here’s a hint: Russia is not the bad guy. Putin is taking care of his national security.
I hope you still love me, even if you don’t agree with what I just said!
If you want to see my research that led me to that opinion, hit reply and ask for more information on Putin.
I really care about each one of you and pray for you and your families.
We will all get through this together. And it’s going to get good. I believe that with all my heart.

I love you with all of my hearts!
Remaining Expectant in the Waiting,
Penney Douglas
Safe Haven Homeschooling
https://penneydouglas.com – My blog at Changed By Love
E-courses I’ve written to help beginning homeschool moms and those looking for a fresh start in their homeschooling:
https://changed-by-love.teachable.com/p/afraid-to-fail-at-homeschooling |