
Moms Night Out

A new movie called Moms Night Out is coming to theaters this Friday, May 9. It has been getting great reviews from Christians that I trust. Here is the official trailer:

And here is a video clip of Jon Erwin, a co-writer and director of the movie, telling about his experience as a homeschooler and praising his mom for homeschooling him. He says that he would not be doing what he’s doing if his mom hadn’t taken him out of public school and homeschooled him. He was a very active boy, ADHD, he says. He was always in trouble at school and was almost kicked out of school in second grade. He thanks his mom and all homeschool moms for what they’re doing for their children.

He invites us to come and see a movie made by homeschoolers!!! How about it? Are you going to go see it? I am!

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