
Childlike Faith

“Come to me with purity of heart and exercise your childlike faith.” These words were written in an email “devotional” today. The word was about believing God and praying without hesitating or doubting, expecting an answer.

Exercise your childlike faith.

I’m ready to believe again. Our family is praying together every day again. We are stronger than before. Our faith is stronger. We are back on track spiritually. The atmosphere is more hopeful and expectant than it has been in a long time.

I’m living in the Kingdom of God more than in the kingdom of this world now.

When we started this Journey of Fire, I wanted to believe like a child. But years of rationalism and having my faith undermined by what I was taught by public education, by experience, and by the people around me had done their damage.

I was more of a realist. I had to walk by faith for a while. I had to have my faith tested.

It has been a long test. About 11 years now. Lost job. Lost three babies. Husband very nearly lost faith. Lost house. Lost relatives. Lost friends. Lost stability. Lost reputation. Lost credibility. Lost security. Nearly lost hope.

But God –

was there all along.

Gained four babies. Gained children’s faith in God. Gained childlike faith (me). Gained experience of seeing God provide. Gained miraculous provision ($20,000 check plus so much more). Gained dependence on God (not God and somebody else).

Answers to prayer
Broken places being built up

The gains far outweigh the losses!

We are getting closer to the prize.

We are being changed into His image – from glory to glory!

Come let’s go up to the mountain, He will teach us His ways.


  1. Hi Penney
    Sorry it’s been a. While since I dropped by:(
    Hoping to catch up on some of what I missed !
    I love reading your blog as its always faith building.
    My dh always reminds me of what smith wiggles worth (I think) said : great faith equals great trials or something to that effect:)
    Its in the difficult places when we exercise our trust and faith and see God come through, that our faith grows like at no other time!

    1. Hi Rosemary,
      I was so happy to see your comment. I’ve missed you! I’ll come on over to your blog and see what you’ve been up to. I’ve had some problems with hackers. Last month they got me twice. I got rid of one of my stat sources, and now I can’t see when you visit. But I’ll see you soon at your blog.
      Thank you so much for your encouragement!

  2. Thank you for this post! Beautiful! God has been reminding me often that “we walk by faith and not by sight.”

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