
Changed By Love and Still Changing

York, Pennsylvania 2011


Katy, Texas 2012

Mary Jo Peckham Park


Katy, TX 2013 Mary Jo Peckham Park



Katy, TX Honey Farm, 2014


Katy, TX Honey Farm, 2015

Katy, TX – MKT Railroad Park Caboose and Depot, 2017

Katy, TX – Heritage Park, 2020

Hi, I’m Penney Douglas. I have been married to my precious husband for 35 years. We have been exceedingly and abundantly blessed with 10 children. They all belong to me and my husband. And to think that I was afraid I would never get married! I got a late start (married at 25 and first child at 27), but I guess late bloomers can blossom profusely once they get started.

I blog for several reasons. I like to keep a record of what we’re doing in our homeschooling and share ideas for other homeschoolers or moms who like to work and play with their kids. I try to encourage families to keep Christ first in their homes so they can be all that they were made to be. I want to help others to draw closer to God. I hope to glorify God and give Him praise for all that He does for us.

I am constantly learning, changing and growing. Sometimes I feel like a beginner even though I’ve been a Christian since I was 4 years old and I’ve been homeschooling for about 27 years. And I’ve been living for __ years (long enough!).

But the Lord has been faithful to keep me and my family on an upward climb drawing nearer to Him in spite of our weaknesses and mistakes.

He has led us on a crooked path across the United States and back and then some. (From Ohio to Kansas City to Arizona to Colorado, back to Kansas City to Illinois to Pennsylvania and now to Texas!) We are still looking for that place to call home. We hope to find it before the oldest chicks are ready to fly from the nest! But our desire is that they land somewhere near us even when that time comes.

We are believing God for miracles of provision. We have already seen many. We suffered the loss of our home 19 years ago. Now we live in a different state, and my husband is making more money than ever before. But the money is beside the point. What God did in each of our hearts, convincing us of His reality and His love for us, is worth more than all of the houses or money in the world. But now He has enabled us to help others in need, and we are grateful for the opportunity to bless others.

Our children are truly gifts from God. They learn from us and teach us so much. I would never have known even a fraction of how much God loves me if I had never had the opportunity to be a mother to my precious children. They are teaching me even more as they grow in wisdom and understanding and we share together what the Lord is teaching us.

Family was God’s idea. Marriage was His idea. God has good ideas. His ideas work.

He wants our families to be training grounds for children (and adults) to learn His ways and right ways of relating to God and to people. We learn how to die to ourselves when others are dependent on us, and when we have to learn to get along with the people around us in order to experience peace and harmony. The rough edges are rubbed off as we care enough to be honest with each other and humble ourselves to receive correction even from those younger than ourselves.

God created us because He wanted a family. That’s more than a trite saying. He created us in His image so that He could have sons and daughters that would look like Him, act like Him and love Him. He wanted to be a father.

He created you so He could love you. Receive His love for you. Let Him be your Daddy.


  1. Hi Penney, great post….I didn’t know you’ve lived all over the place..and now you’re in PA! My mom’s home state!

    I was just down there a few weekends ago…it’s so beautiful there, sometimes I think about leaving NY.

    Ironically, I posted yesterday on being Thankful for EVERYTHING we have.

    Hope you & you’re brood have a wonderful day!

  2. I enjoyed to getting to know you more through this post. We will never stop learning will we, the older I get the more I realise how little I know (in all things of life and faith!). So sorry to hear about the loss of your home:( God is indeed good though and He will restore to you all that the locusts have eaten.

  3. What a lovely family and inspiring story. God has blessed you and sustained you so that you can be a light your family and to others seeking to find their way in this “pilgrim’s progress” walk of faith. God bless you, Penney, as you continue to serve Him.

  4. This is a great bio. You should put this in one of your tabs like about us or something. MAybe revamp with newer info. The reason I say this is because I was trying to find more info about you in your tabs and couldn’t find any. Come visit sometime.

  5. I know this is an older post, but I wanted to add my comment and say how lovely it is to get to know you through this one!

    I second the suggestion to add it to a tab or about you, that’s a good idea.

    Thank you for visiting my blog awhile back and for your kind comments. I look forward to coming back here and reading more often. Thank you for your example of mothering in a large family!


  6. Awesome post! In my Bible study last night the pastor said, “If you’re not growing, you’re dying.”

    We never get to the end as long as we’re breathing. We’re always growing and there’s always more to the journey,

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