
So Many Books, So Little Time

Right now in our homeschool, we are reading out of 6 or 7 books during our together school time where I read aloud to the oldest 6 kids.

We are reading The Basket of Flowers. It is a Lamplighter book, and these books are always so convicting because the main characters are so much more forgiving and loving than I could ever be. Maybe some day. I am being changed into His image…

We are also reading some books about the Reformation. I got interested in this subject after reading the Crown and the Covenant series. I’m reading about John Knox on my own, but I got some children’s library books about the Reformation that I’m reading aloud to the kids.

We are still keeping up with the Daily Bible. I’m so proud of us! It’s so hard to stay consistent every day doing the same thing. But we catch up if we get behind, and we’re still reading each day’s reading. We’ve made it all the way through April practically. My goal is to read it all the way through the whole year. Then we will have read through the Bible in a year. All of us!

We are also reading one of the books by Jack Deere – the one called Surprised By the Power of the Spirit. It is so refreshing to read about someone leaving the unbelief of cessationist teachings and embracing the reality of the power that God wants us to operate in today in signs and wonders, miracles and healing.

We are also reading The Great Dinosaur Mystery – Solved by Ken Ham. Patrick requested more Science and Creation teaching, and I was happy to oblige.

Anna reads Mr. Pipes Comes to America in her excellent British accent. She is on the last chapter, but we can’t seem to get it finished because of lack of time each day.

I just bought the first book of the Wilderking Trilogy which is a fantasy based on the life of David from the Bible. I want to start reading it, too, but it will have to wait.

In the middle of all this, my wonderful neighbor brought me some books she got at a conference and let me borrow them. I read the first one to myself and then started reading it to the kids the next day. It was really good. It was a novel for children about spiritual warfare, similar to Rick Joyner’s books The Final Quest, The Call, etc. They also reminded me of Frank Peretti’s books, This Present Darkness and Piercing the Darkness. The main characters were kids, but the story was good and the characters were so likable that Kelsey said she hoped the next two books would have the same characters in them. This book was so short that I was able to read it to them in two days, but, surprisingly, it was captivating even to us story snobs who want a story to last for weeks and to draw us in so that we feel like we’re living with the characters and they become part of our family. The series is called Dread Champions of the King. It is written by Frostie Hall. I would highly recommend it to anyone who wants their kids to get excited about living for God and praying and really doing spiritual warfare.

Well, that’s the gist of what we’ve been reading together in our homeschool.

Oh, I found out that the book I read to the kids about Early American History written by Angela Elwell Hunt called Rehoboth was part of a series. She also wrote a book about Roanoke the Lost Colony and another one about Jamestown. So guess what? I got Roanoke from the library, and I’m going to read that one to the kids, too.

See why my unit studies last so long! We are almost to the time of the cowboys in the lapbook and now I’m going to start reading a book about Roanoke which was before Jamestown and the Pilgrims. Oh well, we’ll learn all that we need to learn. I’m not in any hurry. Thankfully, I’m on God’s timetable, not man’s.

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