Last year we did this activity for the first time. We made our own gingerbread. Then we made gingerbread men out of our delicious gingerbread.
(I must have used extra molasses this year. They turned out much darker than last year.)
When we put the first batch in the oven, we opened the oven before they were quite done and they jumped out of the oven and ran away. Does this sound like the story “The Gingerbread Baby”? Well, that’s what it’s supposed to sound like.
Then we had people email us and send us post cards telling us where they had seen one of our gingerbread men and what he was doing. Would you please help us track down our runaway gingerbread men this year?
Please leave a comment here or send me an email or post card – however you want to inform us of the whereabouts of our gingerbread men.
Here is what we did with the gingerbread men who were not able to escape: